The Foundation shall administer Kipchumba Education Prize every year to outstanding and alive individuals or groups of individuals who have promoted education in their countries/ regions/ all over the world.
The Prize Committee will review submissions and come up with the best nominees. The second and third best nominees will be recognized. The selected individual(s) will be notified of the decision of the Prize Committee by e-mail and telephone. The award shall consist of cash money, a medal of recognition, and a certificate of participation.
=Global (all territories)
=Contribution to education through
1. innovative pedagogy,
2. leveraging new technologies,
3. girl child education,
4. educational practices with impact on local and/or global community,
5. progressive education policy(ies), or
6. other relevant aspects.
Nominations and Submissions:
Filling an online form.
- Only individuals are nominated
- The prize will be split if winners are part of a joint program
- The winner(s) will be announced after acceptance of the education prize
- Self-nominations are allowed
- Past or present staff or partners of Kipchumba Foundation shall not be nominated
- The Prize Committee will request for further information from nominees at the close of the nominations
- All information about the nominees shall be handled with utmost confidentiality
- The decision of the Prize Committee cannot be appealed